Case Study: Supported self-management for colorectal cancer patients
In 2019, Vinehealth worked with the Health Foundation to deliver our technology to over 100 colorectal cancer patients and support their self-management.
Patient self-management is crucially important given the constraints on NHS oncology services, and poor patient self-management has been shown to significantly worsen the patient experience and their outcomes.
The Vinehealth app was used to collect qualitative and quantitative data from over 100 colorectal cancer patients to understand how their condition and treatments were impacting their experience and quality of life, and we evaluated the effect of better self-management on outpatient services.
The introduction of the Vinehealth app to these patients garnered highly positive patient feedback and high usage across all features of the app. This corresponded to improved medication adherence amongst the patient group and significantly improved engagement with patient educational materials.
The research has provided some key learnings into the effects and benefits of providing supported self-management to patients as an addition to traditional outpatient appointments, and how this data can be integrated into wider clinical practice. The research is now being scaled up with several charities and NHS Trusts.
Delivered to 100 colorectal cancer patients
Highly positive patient feedback
Improved medication adherence
Great engagement with patient educational materials